"Oppressive language does more than represent violence; it is violence; does more than represent the limits of knowledge; it limits knowledge."

Toni Morrison


The 1916 Washington Supreme Court decision in State v. Towessnute opens with the words, “The prior occupancy of American soil by the Indian tribes did not vest them with sovereignty or any title to the land that was ever recognized by the white race, the Indian being merely an occupant with possessory uses for subsistence, and a favored ward of the Federal government.”
Then it gets worse…

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Fine Print: Federal District Court Distinguishes Disciplinary and Malpractice Defense in Coverage Decision

Professional liability policies for lawyers and law firms often distinguish between disciplinary and malpractice defense. Some don’t cover disciplinary defense or, if they do, include a much lower coverage limit. A recent decision from the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington underscored the practical impact of the distinction between disciplinary and malpractice coverage.

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Disability, History, and Law, Part 2: The ADA, the Internet, and the Next 30 Years

Historically, most accessibility lawsuits concern inaccessible physical public accommodations. In recent years, the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)—which was passed 30 years ago this week—has brought the fight for civil rights to the internet.

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This year marks the 30th anniversary of the ADA. The passage of the ADA was a major milestone in the fight for civil rights of people with disabilities. People with disabilities banded together and forced Congress to pass legislation.

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Eviction Predictions: A Roadmap for Landlord-Tenant Law in Washington

Past experience informs us that the predicted eviction onslaught will more likely be a steady inundation of evictions on the civil dockets. Nonetheless, landlord-tenant practitioners and the courts will be navigating a rapidly evolving area of law. Here’s what you should know.

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Why Choosing Not to Take the Bar Exam Proves You Are Qualified to Practice Law

Let me be abundantly clear: In my hiring decisions I will never ever care whether someone took the bar exam. The best data available, through comparative tests, malpractice suits, and ethics complaints, indicates that passing the bar exam has zero correlation with being a good lawyer. But that doesn’t mean I won’t ask if interviewees took the exam.

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A Family Law Perspective on the COVID-19 Crisis

When Washington’s stay-at-home order went into effect March 23, the uncertainty of where my firm, Navigate Law Group, might be when the dust settled weighed heavily on all of us. Similar concerns were felt throughout the legal community, and the ability of firms to embrace technology became a pressing issue.

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Best WSBA Summer Sale CLEs to Stream During Lockdown

The WSBA Summer Sale is upon us again. This year, to better assist our members with the hardships posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the discount will be increased to 50 percent for on-demand Continuing Legal Education (CLE) courses and webinars, the sale will run longer than before, and more CLEs are available at rock-bottom prices. Scroll down to see some of the top streamable content that you can binge watch without the guilt.


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